I suck

I also blow. I really need to get up off my arse and do stuff – coursework, living, knitting, keeping friends. Etc etc. I’d love to start writing again too, but I have no ideas – all the ones I have are stolen from good books I read. Oh and restart (yet again) learning Japanese.
Ipods are ace. But the cheaper version that holds loads more on it than the Ipod is even better. Today I listened to Elbow, Reindeer Patrol, Kathryn Williams and the Killers. It may not know my moods, but it holds enough tracks for me to bump to another random track till I find one. Incidentally the cover of Candy Man by Cibo Mato is very good for going to work to, as is Beef Jerky and Birthday Cake (by the same). Nothing like a good loud shouty song to get you going in the morning when you know that you have a rough day ahead.
Anyway, here is a little thank you extended to Kitten for commenting too 🙂 I kept trying to post a comment your blog, but my web connection is apparently as sporadic as me posting… But the essence of it was, you are ace, you knit cool things, and you blatently like cool things if you like stuff I do 😉 Anyway, stuff that bloke, get out there and show the world and him too that you are way beyond what he could cope with in a woman. Eat Green and Blacks ice cream, and here is a list of good things to read and watch to keep your mind busy.
A Suitable Boy by Vikram Seth – gorgeous book, vvvvv long, but it doesn’t feel that way when you read it.
Battle Royale – blood fest with irony. Hoorah!
A Wild Sheep Chase – so bizarre, even in its normality that I totally fell in love with it.
Spaced, the TV series. Very silly, completely mad, quite British, but it makes me laugh no end 😀
Also fab is Look Around You but less so the second than the first series. If you want to taste it’s aceness go to www.bbc.co.uk/lookaroundyou
At this point, all I need say is:
thanks everyone for reading.
Thanks Kitten.